Thursday, September 11, 2014


Update: 9/11/14

After six months of hired help and our own efforts, the land is looking REALLY nice! I'm very pleased with the results. All of the dozens of dead oak trees have been removed, allowing us to look forward to what will be rather than mourning what once was. We spent the summer weekends trimming up the cedars around the house site and the driveway leading to it. Looking back, we've accomplished SO much in the two years since we first saw this acreage in September 2012.

Along one side of "driveway"
Along other side of "driveway"


In the forest

In the forest

View from home site

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Update: 5/15/14

We had work done on the land for about two months and have wrapped up the first phase. The house site is cleared and the trees surrounding it are trimmed up, some preliminary roads are in, the perimeter of the acreage is cleared, and some of the dead trees are removed. There are many more dead trees, but in general the place is looking much more civilized! We can actually drive around on it, as well as walk freely in all but the most heavily wooded areas. Here are few new pictures (as with all the pics on the blog, you can click on them for full size).

First, to back track a little bit, here is a springtime view as you turn onto the the county road that our land is off of.

View from county road

Views from the land.

View from home site
View from behind home site
Wooded area
Lower area with windmill
View from high point

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Meanwhile back at the land...

Once we had the house parts secured, we continued to work on cleaning up the land and to save towards having some heavy work done. The heavy work has finally started, and the homesite is almost cleared!

Before 1
Before 2

Before 3
After 1

After 2
After 3

After 4
View from homesite